CSP NOTES Student Teachings

-routing and computing -one path network is very slow–> Not Fault(one line breaks, the system still works) torrent -like a serries circuit. one breaks they all break -Fault Tolerance: uses redunancy. wach divice has multiple of paths. it is none the less a fast network -fault tolerance increases the productivity of how you can get a connection. –> more redundancies allows for there to be multiple paths, including the fastest ones.

-sequential commputing: executing programs one at a time -Parallel commuting uses multiple prcoessors or cores in oder to execute a single program–> executes faster + can solve more problems

  • distributed computing: to use and connect mutiple computers in order to to do a single program

citizen Science: the collection and analysis of data relating to the natural world by members of the general public, typically as part of a collaborative project with professional scientists.