Routing and Computing Devadharson Sasikumar, Sri Surapaneni,Soham Kulkarni, Jonathan Liu: 11/30/23

Question 1: What is parallel computing?: Parallel computing is when multiple processors or cores are used to execute one program simultaneously.and this increases efficiency, as well as time.
Question 2: If there is a computer with 3 cores that can each take one task, and the tasks are 25ms, 632ms and 100ms in run time respectively, how long will the program take to run?: 632ms. The group is only as strognest as its weaklink. Since the programs are runnign simultaneously, the first two programs will finsih, however, the task that takes 632ms is the longest, so as soon as its done running, the program is complete. So the rate at which the program runs is as long as the longest task. Question 3: Is sequential or parallel computing more efficient, and why?: parallel computign is faster since the tasks are being divided throughout the servers or processors. Team work makes the job quickers versus one person. Question 4: What is the term called when a network has multiple paths leading up to one destination? (Used in fault-tolerant systems): Its called fast network. This is becasue multiple paths lead to a netwrok finding the most efficient onew inc ertain scinarios. however, this leads to multiple paths for one destination.