link to my video []

import getpass

# Define the quiz dictionary with questions as keys and answers as values
quiz = {
    "Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of ": "collaboration",
    "Should the acknowledgement of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?": "yes",
    "The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of following is the most appropriate data type for age ": "integer",
    "The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?": "boolean",
    "True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor." : "false",
    "A group of statements is called.." : "code segment."

# Function to administer the quiz
def run_quiz():
    total_questions = len(quiz)
    user_responses = []

    for i, (question, correct_answer) in enumerate(quiz.items(), start=1):
        print(f"\nQuestion {i}: {question}")
        user_answer = input("Your answer: ").strip().lower()

    # Calculate the score as a percentage
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

# Run the quiz

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgement of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?
import getpass
import unittest.mock

# Define the quiz dictionary with questions as keys and answers as values
quiz = {
    "Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of ": "collaboration",
    "Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?": "yes",
    "The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age ": "integer",
    "The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?": "boolean",
    "True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor." : "false",
    "A group of statements is called.." : "code segment."

# Function to administer the quiz
def run_quiz():
    total_questions = len(quiz)
    user_responses = []

    for i, (question, correct_answer) in enumerate(quiz.items(), start=1):
        print(f"\nQuestion {i}: {question}")
        user_answer = input("Your answer: ").strip().lower()

    # Calculate the score as a percentage
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

# Tester function to validate quiz functionality
def test_quiz():
    # Add test cases to validate quiz functionality
    test_cases = [
        (["collaboration", "yes", "integer", "boolean", "false", "code segment."], 100.0),
        (["collaboration", "no", "integer", "boolean", "true", "code"], 33.33),

    for i, (test_input, expected_score) in enumerate(test_cases, start=1):
        print(f"\nTest Case {i} - Expected Score: {expected_score}%")
        user_input = "\n".join(test_input)
        input_mock = user_input + "\n"  # Add a newline to simulate user pressing Enter
        with unittest.mock.patch("builtins.input", side_effect=input_mock):
        print("\n" + "-" * 40)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_quiz()  # Run the tester function
# Calculate the score as a percentage
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

# Run the quiz

Test Case 1 - Expected Score: 100.0%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['c', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'a', 'b']

User Responses:
Question 1: c
Question 2: o
Question 3: l
Question 4: l
Question 5: a
Question 6: b

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 0.00%.

User Inputs:
1. c
2. o
3. l
4. l
5. a
6. b


Test Case 2 - Expected Score: 33.33%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['c', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'a', 'b']

User Responses:
Question 1: c
Question 2: o
Question 3: l
Question 4: l
Question 5: a
Question 6: b

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 0.00%.

User Inputs:
1. c
2. o
3. l
4. l
5. a
6. b



NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/tmp/ipykernel_82601/ in <module>
     57     test_quiz()  # Run the tester function
     58 # Calculate the score as a percentage
---> 59     score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
     60     percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

NameError: name 'user_responses' is not defined
import getpass
from unittest import mock  # Import mock from unittest module

# Define the quiz dictionary with questions as keys and answers as values
quiz = {
    "Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of ": "collaboration",
    "Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?": "yes",
    "The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age ": "integer",
    "The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?": "boolean",
    "True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor." : "false",
    "A group of statements is called.." : "code segment."

# Function to administer the quiz
def run_quiz():
    total_questions = len(quiz)
    user_responses = []

    for i, (question, correct_answer) in enumerate(quiz.items(), start=1):
        print(f"\nQuestion {i}: {question}")
        user_answer = input("Your answer: ").strip().lower()

    # Calculate the score as a percentage
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100
    print("user responses"+ user_responses)

    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

# Tester function to validate quiz functionality
def test_quiz():
    # Add test cases to validate quiz functionality
    test_cases = [
        (["collaboration", "yes", "integer", "boolean", "false", "code segment."], 100.0),
        (["collaboration", "no", "integer", "boolean", "true", "code"], 33.33),

    for i, (test_input, expected_score) in enumerate(test_cases, start=1):
        print(f"\nTest Case {i} - Expected Score: {expected_score}%")
        user_input = "\n".join(test_input)
        input_mock = user_input + "\n"  # Add a newline to simulate user pressing Enter
        with mock.patch("builtins.input", side_effect=input_mock):
        print("\n" + "-" * 40)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_quiz()  # Run the tester function

Test Case 1 - Expected Score: 100.0%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/tmp/ipykernel_82601/ in <module>
     57 if __name__ == "__main__":
---> 58     test_quiz()  # Run the tester function

/tmp/ipykernel_82601/ in test_quiz()
     52         input_mock = user_input + "\n"  # Add a newline to simulate user pressing Enter
     53         with mock.patch("builtins.input", side_effect=input_mock):
---> 54             run_quiz()
     55         print("\n" + "-" * 40)

/tmp/ipykernel_82601/ in run_quiz()
     26     percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100
---> 28     print("user responses"+ user_responses)
     30     print("\nUser Responses:")

TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "list") to str
import getpass
import unittest.mock

# Define the quiz dictionary with questions as keys and answers as values
quiz = {
    "Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of ": "collaboration",
    "Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?": "yes",
    "The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age ": "integer",
    "The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?": "boolean",
    "True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor." : "false",
    "A group of statements is called.." : "code segment."

# Function to administer the quiz
def run_quiz():
    total_questions = len(quiz)
    user_responses = []

    for i, (question, correct_answer) in enumerate(quiz.items(), start=1):
        print(f"\nQuestion {i}: {question}")
        user_answer = input("Your answer: ").strip().lower()

    # Calculate the score as a percentage
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

# Tester function to validate quiz functionality
def test_quiz():
    # Add test cases to validate quiz functionality
    test_cases = [
        (["collaboration", "yes", "integer", "boolean", "false", "code segment."], 100.0),
        (["collaboration", "no", "integer", "boolean", "true", "code"], 33.33),

    for i, (test_input, expected_score) in enumerate(test_cases, start=1):
        print(f"\nTest Case {i} - Expected Score: {expected_score}%")
        user_input = "\n".join(test_input)
        input_mock = user_input + "\n"  # Add a newline to simulate user pressing Enter
        with unittest.mock.patch("builtins.input", side_effect=input_mock):
        print("\n" + "-" * 40)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_quiz()  # Run the tester function
# Calculate the score as a percentage
    total_questions = len(quiz)
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

# Run the quiz
Test Case 1 - Expected Score: 100.0%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['c', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'a', 'b']

User Responses:
Question 1: c
Question 2: o
Question 3: l
Question 4: l
Question 5: a
Question 6: b

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 0.00%.

User Inputs:
1. c
2. o
3. l
4. l
5. a
6. b


Test Case 2 - Expected Score: 33.33%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['c', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'a', 'b']

User Responses:
Question 1: c
Question 2: o
Question 3: l
Question 4: l
Question 5: a
Question 6: b

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 0.00%.

User Inputs:
1. c
2. o
3. l
4. l
5. a
6. b



NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)

/tmp/ipykernel_82601/ in <module>
     57     test_quiz()  # Run the tester function
     58 # Calculate the score as a percentage
---> 59     score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
     60     percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100
     61     print(score)

NameError: name 'user_responses' is not defined
import getpass
import unittest.mock

# Define the quiz dictionary with questions as keys and answers as values
quiz = {
    "Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of ": "collaboration",
    "Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?": "yes",
    "The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age ": "integer",
    "The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?": "boolean",
    "True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor." : "false",
    "A group of statements is called.." : "code segment."

# Function to administer the quiz
def run_quiz():
    total_questions = len(quiz)
    user_responses = []

    for i, (question, correct_answer) in enumerate(quiz.items(), start=1):
        print(f"\nQuestion {i}: {question}")
        user_answer = input("Your answer: ").strip().lower()

    # Calculate the score as a percentage
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

    return user_responses, percentage_score  # Return user_responses and percentage_score to the caller

# Tester function to validate quiz functionality
def test_quiz():
    user_responses = []  # Define user_responses within the function
    # Add test cases to validate quiz functionality
    test_cases = [
        (["collaboration", "yes", "integer", "boolean", "false", "code segment."], 100.0),
        (["collaboration", "no", "integer", "boolean", "true", "code"], 33.33),

    for i, (test_input, expected_score) in enumerate(test_cases, start=1):
        print(f"\nTest Case {i} - Expected Score: {expected_score}%")
        user_input = "\n".join(test_input)
        input_mock = user_input + "\n"  # Add a newline to simulate user pressing Enter
        with unittest.mock.patch("builtins.input", side_effect=input_mock):
            user_responses, score = run_quiz()  # Call run_quiz and store user responses and score

        print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {score:.2f}%.")

        # Display user inputs as a list
        print("\nUser Inputs:")
        for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
            print(f"{i}. {response}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_quiz()  # Run the tester function

Test Case 1 - Expected Score: 100.0%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['c', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'a', 'b']

User Responses:
Question 1: c
Question 2: o
Question 3: l
Question 4: l
Question 5: a
Question 6: b

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 0.00%.

User Inputs:
1. c
2. o
3. l
4. l
5. a
6. b

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 0.00%.

User Inputs:
1. c
2. o
3. l
4. l
5. a
6. b

Test Case 2 - Expected Score: 33.33%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['c', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'a', 'b']

User Responses:
Question 1: c
Question 2: o
Question 3: l
Question 4: l
Question 5: a
Question 6: b

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 0.00%.

User Inputs:
1. c
2. o
3. l
4. l
5. a
6. b

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 0.00%.

User Inputs:
1. c
2. o
3. l
4. l
5. a
6. b
import getpass
import unittest.mock

# Define the quiz dictionary with questions as keys and answers as values
quiz = {
    "Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of ": "collaboration",
    "Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?": "yes",
    "The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age ": "integer",
    "The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?": "boolean",
    "True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor." : "false",
    "A group of statements is called.." : "code segment."

# Function to administer the quiz
def run_quiz():
    total_questions = len(quiz)
    user_responses = []

    for i, (question, correct_answer) in enumerate(quiz.items(), start=1):
        print(f"\nQuestion {i}: {question}")
        user_answer = input("Your answer: ").strip().lower()

    # Calculate the score as a percentage
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

# Tester function to validate quiz functionality
def test_quiz():
    # Add test cases to validate quiz functionality
    test_cases = [
        (["collaboration", "yes", "integer", "boolean", "false", "code segment."], 100.0),
        (["collaboration", "no", "integer", "boolean", "true", "code"], 33.33),

    for i, (test_input, expected_score) in enumerate(test_cases, start=1):
        print(f"\nTest Case {i} - Expected Score: {expected_score}%")

        # Create a mock input object
        input_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()

        # Set the side effect of the mock input object to return the test input
        input_mock.side_effect = test_input

        # Patch the builtins.input function with the mock input object
        with unittest.mock.patch("builtins.input", input_mock):

            # Run the quiz function

        print("\n" + "-" * 40)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_quiz()  # Run the tester function
Test Case 1 - Expected Score: 100.0%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['collaboration', 'yes', 'integer', 'boolean', 'false', 'code segment.']

User Responses:
Question 1: collaboration
Question 2: yes
Question 3: integer
Question 4: boolean
Question 5: false
Question 6: code segment.

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 100.00%.

User Inputs:
1. collaboration
2. yes
3. integer
4. boolean
5. false
6. code segment.


Test Case 2 - Expected Score: 33.33%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..
['collaboration', 'no', 'integer', 'boolean', 'true', 'code']

User Responses:
Question 1: collaboration
Question 2: no
Question 3: integer
Question 4: boolean
Question 5: true
Question 6: code

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 50.00%.

User Inputs:
1. collaboration
2. no
3. integer
4. boolean
5. true
6. code

import getpass
import unittest.mock

# Define the quiz dictionary with questions as keys and answers as values
quiz = {
    "Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of ": "collaboration",
    "Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?": "yes",
    "The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age ": "integer",
    "The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?": "boolean",
    "True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor." : "false",
    "A group of statements is called.." : "code segment."

# Function to administer the quiz
def run_quiz():
    total_questions = len(quiz)
    user_responses = []

    #it will start i as 1. it will take the quiz and isolate the items and then it will store it in question. It will then print out the respective question and then it will append what you said into a list. 
    for i, (question, correct_answer) in enumerate(quiz.items(), start=1):
        print(f"\nQuestion {i}: {question}")
        user_answer = input("Your answer: ").strip().lower()

    # Calculate the score as a percentage
    score = sum(user_answer == correct_answer for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()))
    percentage_score = (score / total_questions) * 100

    #this code is used to show the question number and what answer was provided for that question. This is done by the enumerate function wheich is helpful especially in iterations to find the index of a variable. 
    #in this case, enumerate is used for i and coninues to add +1 every single time the for loop runs. The response variable will hold the users response for that certain question each time the funtion iterates. 
    print("\nUser Responses:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"Question {i}: {response}")

    print(f"\nQuiz completed!\n{getpass.getuser()}, you scored {percentage_score:.2f}%.")

    # Display user inputs as a list
    print("\nUser Inputs:")
    for i, response in enumerate(user_responses, start=1):
        print(f"{i}. {response}")

    # Calculate the percentage of questions answered correctly and incorrectly
    correct_answers = 0
    incorrect_answers = 0
    for user_answer, correct_answer in zip(user_responses, quiz.values()):
        if user_answer == correct_answer:
            correct_answers += 1
            incorrect_answers += 1

    percentage_correct = (correct_answers / total_questions) * 100
    percentage_incorrect = (incorrect_answers / total_questions) * 100

    #print(f"\nPercentage correct: {percentage_correct:.2f}%")
    #print(f"Percentage incorrect: {percentage_incorrect:.2f}%")

# Tester function to validate quiz functionality
def test_quiz():
    # Add test cases to validate quiz functionality
    test_cases = [
        (["collaboration", "no", "integer", "boolean", "false", "code segment."], 100.0, 100.0, 0.0),
        (["collaboration", "no", "integer", "boolean", "true", "code"], 33.33, 33.33, 66.67),

    for i, (test_input, expected_percentage_score, expected_percentage_correct, expected_percentage_incorrect) in enumerate(test_cases, start=1):
        print(f"\nTest Case {i} - Expected Score: {expected_percentage_score}%")
        # Create a mock input object
        input_mock = unittest.mock.Mock()

        # Set the side effect of the mock input object to return the test input
        input_mock.side_effect = test_input

        # Patch the builtins.input function with the mock input object
        with unittest.mock.patch("builtins.input", input_mock):

            # Run the quiz function

        print("\n" + "-" * 40)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_quiz()  # Run the tester function
Test Case 1 - Expected Score: 100.0%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..

User Responses:
Question 1: collaboration
Question 2: no
Question 3: integer
Question 4: boolean
Question 5: false
Question 6: code segment.

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 83.33%.

User Inputs:
1. collaboration
2. no
3. integer
4. boolean
5. false
6. code segment.


Test Case 2 - Expected Score: 33.33%

Question 1: Communication, consensus building, conflict resolution and negotiation is an example of 

Question 2: Should the acknowledgment of a code segment include the origin or original author’s name?

Question 3: The variable age is to be used to represent a person’s age, years. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for age 

Question 4: The variable isOpen is to be used to indicate whether or not a store is currently open. Which of the following is the most appropriate data type for isOpen ?

Question 5: True or False? Program development is usually a solo endeavor.

Question 6: A group of statements is called..

User Responses:
Question 1: collaboration
Question 2: no
Question 3: integer
Question 4: boolean
Question 5: true
Question 6: code

Quiz completed!
eneter, you scored 50.00%.

User Inputs:
1. collaboration
2. no
3. integer
4. boolean
5. true
6. code
