• This trimester I learned a lot. From not knowing the basics to being able to code APIs, I had a lot of fun and learned quite a lot in the process.
    • I learned about HTML, JS, CS, python, and even some Java
    • I learned deployement onto AWS
    • I learned psuedo code and collalge board’s expectations
    • This tri I also learned about how csv file is formatted and works
    • Apis and alien world were also some of the things I learned this tri
    • The student teachings were also really helpful and I learned a lot of information in those teachings. I was also able to really challenge my self which was helpful for growing as a coder.
  • Nex trimester, I hope to be able to grow more as a coder and continue to learn.
    • I hoep to focus on really learning the code and using more of my brain
    • I think another goal is for me to able to figure things out by myself and grow less and less dependent on Chat GPT
  • Work Habits
    • I thought my work habits were good and I was able to really get a good understanding of this class
    • While I can off task sometimes, I feel as if I could really say that I used my time wisely, especially on a time crunch
  • Live Reviews
    • On Live reviews I see that I could have rehersed once before presenting( sorry aditi you were right)
    • I also feel like we rush to get the work done. I feel as though we were so busy the day before the live review and then everyone prioritized the class. Next trimester, I hope to really create a plan that I will stick to like a magnet.