Project Overview + Objectives For the Week:

Explore python Tricks and see where they can be applied in our code. Find out what JS Output w/Jquery, JS Output w/Objects, JS Input do. Firgure out where, when, and how you can use those tools to further improve your website. Intro to Agile and figure out Flask server in Python. 


Post our plan on Slack and get feedback from out teachers as well as peers. Learn and change things so that we can grow and become better! Also, we can use Chat to verify and help us understand code! As a beginner, this will be very important to us. The plan should show objectives as well as what you want to improve or continue on during the week. Learn and read about Lists, Dictionaries, 

Project timeline

  • Monday
    • Figuring out how to establish a table
      • experimet with different tables
    • figure out the hacks for the Js Output file and experiment to make it your own
  • Tuesday
    • See if we can figure out python hacks and implementing them into the website
    • Play around with java script and see if you can ge the theme working Finish live review and prepare for next week
  • Wednesday
    • Find out what we can do for the next live review.
  • Thursday
    • Continue to work on preparing for the live review
  • Friday
    • Continue to work on preparing for the live review

First time using Agile Development.

Roles for Agile

Aditi: Frontend Developer Eshika: Backend Developer Samhita: Scrum Master Cindy: DevOps