Number one step is make a GitHub account

  • Make sure your personal email is used


  • make a copy of the nighthawk teacher and student repository. Creating a clone of the repository allows you to edit the files with out making changes to the main or original code. You can do this by clicking the ‘+’ symbol in the right top corner and creating a new repo with the repo that you want to clone from. Then you click the Green code button for which you will then type into git clone.
    • You can use the code “git clone (repo link)” to clone your own repository. YOu can go on clous or terminal and open your own repository using “code (repo name)

Connecting GitHub to VSCode:

  • In order to code and make changes to the repository you cloned, you need to set up a connection between GitHub and VSCode.
  • You can use the following code to create a connection: “git config –global " "git config --global "


The way to save the changes you make on Vscode to GitHub is by commiting. This will change your repository copy. Pushing, will let people publically see the changes you have made. Pushing shows us as an action in GitHub.